Welcome to FairEntry, the place where you will enter your category/breed/division/class information for each exhibit you plan to bring to the 4-H Fair in June! You may be thinking...I already enrolled my one steer, two pigs, and an Arts and Crafts project, why do I have to enter this again? Well, you may only have two pigs, but what about the kid who entered 12 by May 15th? They can't bring them all, so we're asking you to simply finalize your entries with us.

Now is your chance to tell us exactly what your exhibit looks like or which animal you plan to actually show. This is where you will tell us that your rabbit needs to show in the Solid Holland Lop Junior Buck class and that your Sewing project is a non-wearable. We're down to the details now!

Please be sure to include all showmanship classes you intend to participate in also. If this is done now, it will save you time when you get to the fair. Looking forward to seeing all of your awesome exhibits very soon!

Tami Mosier, 4-H Educator